Our Ambition

To hold documented collections of living plants for the purposes of scientific research, conservation, display and education.

Our Horticultural and cultivation skills allow us to grow plants that might be lost in nature. which means that species diversity can be conserved in the garden.All organically grown and hand picked by us.

Our Approach

  • We source.
  • We cultivate.
  • We harvest at the right time by hand.
  • We get the highest quality of herbs, aromatics and farm produce.
  • We respond to the interest and values of the day.

The genuine taste of nature, farm produced and organically grown.


When our friends, families, and neighbors choose conventionally grown products over organic goods, our communities and the lives of the farmers who produce the food we rely on are put in peril.

Through a process known as bioaccumulation, all plants absorb nutrients and matter through root uptake. Conventional non-organic farms use thousands of pounds of synthetic agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, which are absorbed by the crops they produce. There is no way to wash away the chemicals that have been absorbed through bioaccumulation.

Organic farming methods do not rely on intensive chemical applications, but rather on composting, natural fertilizers, and green amendments that contribute to healthy plant uptake, which is good for you and good for the planet!